Estimation of Evaptranspiration of Boro Rice in the Northwest Region of Bangladesh

In this study evapotranspiration of Boro rice is estimated using SEBAL algorithm for the northwest region of Bangladesh during the growing season of 2011. Due to readily availability for this region, time series of MODIS images are used. Evapotranspiration estimated from SEBAL method is compared with the FAO recommended Penman-Monteith method. It is found that MODIS underestimates the ground based measurements with a mean absolute error of 0.67
mm/day. This value is later applied as a constant bias for the evapotranspiration estimated from the SEBAL method. The peak of mean evapotranspiration is 5.63 mm/day found after 104 days of plantation of Boro rice. A comparison is also made for evapotranspiration estimated from MODIS with the Landsat using two available scenes of Landsat. It is found that while MODIS has tendency to underestimate, Landsat over estimates evapotranspiration. Comparing evapotranspiration values from MODIS satellite with Landsat satellite image, it is found that despite moderate resolution, MODIS is able to estimate evapotranspiration of Boro rice during the growing with substantial accuracy.